Monday 31 October 2011


this is among the wedding cards that i like.


Buku Yassin

I found this considerable door gift utk nikah nanti.
Buku Yassin..velvet bound.


Thursday 27 October 2011

Make Up by Yen

MOST..and i mean MOST bridal make-up are sooo heavy..
it seemed so dated when you really look at it closely.
i'm a simple girl and wanted something of a minimalist.
Chinese brides usually donned a very light make-up if you notice.
So, i was thinking of trying out this particular artist kot..


Friday 21 October 2011

Baju Nikah

I nikah nanti i nak pakai tudung..properly..
not just selendang draped over..nooo..
i found this pic which i would consider to do my baju nikah.
it's a bit heavy on the lace and beading part.
tapi i nak pattern yang macam ni.

I want my tudung to be tucked in, so it won't disturb the veil.
And see the sleeve? I love it !!

Shuz! Shuz!

Have to bear in mind, kasut pun penting jugak.
Nanti pakai baju lawa2..tetiba kasut pulak turn-off.
Coz time duduk atas pelamin nanti, of course people will see our shoes!
I want stilettos yang compliment the sexy-ness of my feet..hehe!
and..ehem..i got very nice feet..true..ask HIM!
This is soooo cute! With frilly flowers on one side and it's a peep-toe. Perfect!
errrr..but it's Jimmy Choo's..
I'm not Princess Diana or Memey the Husband Stealer to be sponsored.

ok..i really am drooling over anything diamond..studded or beaded or wutever..
as long as it's diamonds..
this is by Benjamin Adams..harga pun mengarut jugak =(

Color Baju Kahwin Elyana

Hey..this color pun sangat cantik!
It's silver and satin-gold..
The combination of color nampak elegant.
Hope this one can be considered =)

If pakai this color, the make-up have to be professionally done.
Or else nanti nampak pucat lesi pulak.
oh btw, Elyana dah ada baby bump time ni =P

I need Spanx!

YES! i absolutely need it!
i need to get myself a SPANX!
well..i think most brides need it.
it's a support system to boost up my curves and confidence in that sense =)

for me..uuhh more like taming my tummy,
and thinning my mid thigh,
and boost up my butt. duhh!

 Slimmer & Shine Strapless Slip
Slimming Level : Super-Duper $98.00

The most trusted brand is SPANX by Sara Blakely.

i wanna look good in that wedding dress =)